[Bug] Cannot add 2 starve timers for the same Dino Class
When adding a second starve timer for the same Dinosaur Class (i.e. two Rexes in a row), the second timer replaces the first one, and it adds a torpor timer I didn't ask.
Use case 1:
- Add starve timer for Rex level 120: works fine
- Add starve timer for Rex level 116: replaces the previous rex starve timer and adds an unstarted torpor timer.
Use case 2:
- Add starve timer for Rex level 120: works fine
- Add starve timer for Spino level 120: usually works fine (sometimes adds a torpor timer, no idea why)
- Add starve timer for Rex level 116: correctly adds the second timer, but also adds a torpor timer I didn't ask for.
- Prevent torpor timer from being added when not asked for.
- Prevent second starve timer from replacing the first one when doing two times the same dino class.
- Allow user to add/delete a starve/torpor timer in the timer list for a dino that already have a timer listed.
- Better link visually (or separate different dinos more effectively) the starve and torpor timers for the same dino.
- Allow user to sort dino timers by remaining starve time or remaining torpor time.
Rachael Monson
I agree. Please do this!
Danny de wit
Suggestion, if you use the website, open a 2nd tab and run it there. This is what i do and it works perfectly