Dododex Pro on iPad regularly crashes when creature type or level is changed
Sós Rich
This is happening on a very regularly basis, maybe one in four attempts. The problem existed before but happening only occasionally, now it is almost expected. To describe the issue, say I may have a creature already set, say Rex 120 from an earlier tame. I then return to the app some time later and select the level or creature window and input the new value. At this point the app simply crashes and I am returned to the home screen. Interestingly the value that was input is actually retained when the app is restarted, rather than the previous value, so the crash must happen after the value is saved in the app. Perhaps it is somehow related to the app going into operating system background from the previous time values were input and this somehow results in an issue when the previous memory is accessed, I really don’t know but it’s very frustrating to have to restart so often. I use an iPad Mini 4 running os version 15.7.9 and have been using the app on this device for some years. Thank you!
Dan Leveille
This issue was fixed in a previous version. :) If it's still happening to you, please let me know!
Dan Leveille
Sós Rich Thanks for letting me know and thanks for all those details! I've heard another iOS (iPhone) user had an issue with level picker crashes so it's on my to do list to look into. It seems to be working fine on my iPad with iOS 16, but I'll need to do some more testing.
Are you able to ugprade to iOS 16? It might not be related, but does help rule things out if you're not using the latest OS since there are sometimes issues with an OS version that are interfering with the app.
If you happen to notice any patterns about when it happens vs doesn't happen (typing in a level vs using the slider, etc.), let me know! :)
Sós Rich
Dan Leveille: Hi Dan. I wasn’t aware there was an version 16, apologies, schoolboy error! I have automatic updates set on so I just assumed the thing would … erm … update automatically? silly me. I’m downloading 15.8 now, for some reason it offered that first, let’s see if it makes a difference. Worth noting, as you asked, I never use the sliders, always inputting on the text fields. It’s also hard to be more accurate at this point because as you can imagine, it’s always happening in the heat of battle. nonetheless i’ll try to keep an eye on the process for the next few days. As always, thanks for an invaluable app. I really do hope you get a decent payout from it, especially with ASA release. Maybe say hi to a few well known streamers to give you a shout out. i’m sure they’d be happy to, given that i’m sure they’ve all ised it at some point! anyway all the best!
Sós Rich
Dan Leveille: 15.8 does seem to be the latest version for my device as no further updates are available. I hope it’s not become end of life.
Sós Rich
Dan Leveille: Can confirm same thing happened just bow on my iPhone. I have been using it all day with no issues. Had previously been set on achatina level 10. Switched creature to oviraptor, changed level text field to 80, updated, changed text field again to 15, return, app crash. On restarting, oviraptor 15 set.