Add a "Notes" Section
Dan Leveille
Merged in a post:
Notes section
Andy Cooley
Often times I have a lot of ideas and to-do’s. Adding a notes section for personal use would be a nice feature to have. I forget what I want to do next a lot and get side tracked.
Dan Leveille
Coty Combs Build a text editor / to do list / notepad seems like a bit outside of Dododex's scope. There are apps the specialize entirely in this.
Coty Combs
Dan Leveille: yes i do utilize one of those apps now, i see your point, would just love a simple text box of like 1k characters to jot down stats when cross referencing etc. I do agree its probably just as easy to swap panes to the other app for notes or even maybe dual it but at the time of making this suggestion i was dealing with limited mobile storage. But have since been able to solve that issue. So thank you for your time.
Dan Leveille
Andy Cooley See this previous reply about this idea. I'd recommend Notion or the Notes app. I see the value, but every new feature adds to Dododex's complexity and while a simple text box is not a huge undertaking, any new user-input component will develop bugs over time, need to be upkept, and detract from the time I have for more crucial features.