Add list of Server Configuration commands for events
Tylor Hebert
I work out of town and i usually miss most of the holiday events so i no longer play on officials because i just don't have the time. I mostly play S.P. and last year i actually caught a dev blog telling the command for the winter wonderland event and was able to add that to my maps. I would love to get in a bit of extra time for this halloween event because i only got 2 days of it. If anyone knows how i can extend my experience short of disconnecting wifi/refusing next update i would love to find the command.
Dan Leveille
Dan Leveille
Hi Tylor Hebert, this is a feedback site for Dododex, rather than ARK. Dododex is not affiliated with ARK, so unfortunately, I can't make any changes to the game.
Tylor Hebert
Dan Leveille: i know you are not affiliated and i am not asking for changes to be made to the game. I am asking Dododex to try and find the commands for holiday events and add to your admin command list in your app.
Dan Leveille
Tylor Hebert: Ah, I see. The admin commands are for in-game commands, rather than server configurations. I think the Wiki would be a better place for that, since they already have a comprehensive list:
I will update this feature request to be about server configuration, but being completely honest, I don't see it ever happening. It's a lot of content for a one-person team to manage when the Wiki will always do it better.
Andrew Mac
First, this isn't exactly the best place to ask those kinds of questions, second I will try to help anyway, you can either try to set your system date/time settings to within said holidays, or you can spawn the items in manually with admin commands, thirdly as far as I know the settings for holiday events and keeping the decorations are for rented servers only.
Tylor Hebert
Andrew Mac: I found this in the community crunch last year. This is the command to use in order to activate the Winter wonderland.
Uses the ActiveEvent system
Cleans up after ActiveEvent is reset
Run with
ActiveEvent=None to disable
I am just not sure what the command is for the fear evolved.
Tylor Hebert
Also i found a post in the Crunch about the Fear Evolved