[Gathering] Amounts per hit per dino
Dan Leveille
Merged in a post:
Drop rate for dinos
Aleksander Helgeland
There should be a drop rate for dinos where you can put inn your gattering tool/ dino and the dino/ resource you are harvesting. This would make it easier to chose what to go for when you need like hide, organic polymer etc. Keep upp the good work really handy app :-)
Dan Leveille
Hmmm, there are a ton of factors here, so it'd be a lot of manual testing, since you couldn't possibly gather this via the Dev Kit since there are so many factors (AOE, density of resources, multipliers, etc.) but this would be pretty cool.
Seems like I could create a spreadsheet for people to contribute to.
I'm trying to remember, since I haven't actually gathered much in a while, do different nodes have different gather amounts? Like a tree on the beach vs. a larger tree in the forest?
Andrew Mac
Dan Leveille: certain ones yes, like the smooth rounded rocks in rivers have higher concentrations of metal than regular rocks, I think they factor in things like theoretical nutrients in the soil and minerals being washed down stream, to give it more of a realistic feeling. Though I don't think this is something you should worry about for dododex xD just answering the question.