[KO] Account for torpor depletion between shots
Dan Leveille
New feature in v2.2!
Dan Leveille
in progress
Will be in next version of app.
Dan Leveille
Merged in a post:
Accurate torpor estimate for high decay dino
Jean-Baptiste Zeller
I would like if possible to have an estimate as to when do I need to tranq my dino next on some high decay Dino's such as gigas, dimetrodon and the like. the torpor indicator while it mostly accurately simulate when the torpor will have increased/decreased will be stuck showing "1 minute 30 second" on a giga for the longest time while I actually have hours before the torpor start tanking again.
Dan Leveille
Merged in a post:
Additional modulation needed for the dododex! Dino resistance!
Lea Rohne
I would like to suggest to make an additional entry for the dinosaur resistance on the side where you can put your personal modulations and important stats that have an impact on the taming (like taming duration or the damage stats of your character)
I think it's very important because if you modify the resistance of the dinos eg. Make them tougher, the number of arrows you need to put your target to sleep is measurably higher than the number calculated by the dododex so far! I love the app but I think one of it's best features is devaluated because of this conclusion.
Dan Leveille
Lea Rohne Hi Lea! If Dododex is lower, it's usually because the dino has generated torpor between shots. I'm currently planning to implement a feature that lets you customize this. :)
Dan Leveille
Dan Leveille
Hey Jean-Baptiste Zeller! The torpor timer is actually broken right now, but will be fixed very soon. Currently, you're not able to add narcs.
What do you mean it "will be stuck on 1:30"? Could you explain exactly what is happening? Like you're watching the timer and then is suddenly gets stuck?
Jean-Baptiste Zeller
Sorry here's a reproduction step which might explain my problem better, say, take a giga, level 150. start the timer and wait until you have say. 1800 to fill and pump the thing twice with 900 narcotics. (once its fixed). Now what will happen is that the estimate as to when the giga will wake up will still say a number like "1 minute 30, 1 minute 31" etc. for the longest time, even though the actual wake up time will be in an hour or so.
That's because the app calculate the time to wake up as 'torpor remaining / decay per second' instead of when pumping up "(min(torpor being added + current torpor, max torpor) - current torpor) / rate of increase from narcotics + min(torpor being added + current torpor, max torpor) / decay per second." which is a -radically- different number in the case of a giga and other high torpor drainer.