Max Dino Level Calculator based on Difficulty
Sós Rich
As this value can be a bit difficult to calculate and varies between platforms (PC/XBox/Mobile etc) I would love to have a simple item in the tools menu that would allow me to enter the platform specific difficulty settings and be able to see what I should expect as the Max/Min/Average levels for creatures to be given those settings (I think it might even change dependent on the map you are playing). Would be nice if it would then summarise/link/cross reference the specific dino stats for those levels.
Dan Leveille
Sós Rich Hmmm, this is pretty simple to calculate yourself. It's just Difficulty x 30.
1 Difficulty = Levels 1-30
2 Difficulty = Levels 2-60 (increments of 2)
5 Difficulty = Levels 5-150 (increments of 5)
Sós Rich
Dan Leveille: Thanks for responding Dan. On the XBox, the "Difficulty Level" slider goes from 0 to 1 in increments of 0.05.
Checking the Ark Wiki again ( it states "Difficulty Value = DifficultyOffset * (Official Difficulty - 0.5) + 0.5" so I understand my slider is the DifficultyOffset but I can't find a reference to what "Official Difficulty" is.
If I assume highest level (5) is 1.0 and just extrapolate, ie 0.5 = 2.5 = x30 = 75 maybe?
Sorry if I am being daft. The wiki didn't really make sense when I read it (either before or again just now lol). Never mind ;-)