Show color regions on each creature
Dan Leveille
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Color chart
alexandre inacio
You could add the table with all the colors of the game's creatures to make it easier to paint the creatures. It's hard to find a complete list on the Internet.
Dan Leveille
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Color regions and Color IDs
shows a list of creatures, once a creature has been clicked it brings you to a screen with a 2D, maybe (either or would do the job well) 3D model of the creature and a list of colors with their in game names and IDs and a list of color regions that once hovered over are highlighted on the creature to make a custom color palette
Dan Leveille
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Species color viewer
Miles Thomas
Add a color viewer for the possible colors of that creature and where they are on the creatures body kinda like the species viewer from Jurassic world evolution 2
Just go to ark wiki
Dan Leveille
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Color Regions
Triston Long
I would really like a section that show how many color regions there are on a dinosaur and where they are on that Dino. I also think it should show what colors it can naturally spawn in and how many different colors there are for Dino’s.
Dan Leveille
Merged in a post:
Color Regions
Add a picture of the dinos color regions like on the ark wiki. So you can 1. See what color has what region before hatching 2. To easily color tames in admin menu
Dan Leveille
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Color Viewing!
It would be a neat feature if we could insert color regions into a dino, and a 3d model of the dino would change according to the colors we are picking out! Kind of like a “what would these colors look like together” type thing 🙂
Dan Leveille
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Color regions
Triston Long
Add how many color regions each creature has and show where they are.
Dan Leveille
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Dino color edit
Michael Bahrke
So I’m not tek savvy but I would like to see if there would be a way to be able to edit the colors of the different Dino’s in their regions with the color list so people can play around and see what colors they want and where on a dino and see how they look before putting it together in game. It’s a big ask yes but some Dino’s take days to raise and if it turns out to not look as good as imagined that would suck. Yes there is going into single player and spending hours going through colors. I’ve done it but it would be cool to be able to see the color scheme at your fingertips
Dan Leveille
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Add the color regions for dinos
-Z3ph24 -
If your breeding creatures and you want to know what the color regions are you should be able to look at Dododex
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