Dan Leveille
This feature would be cool to add if it was very easy to do, but just for transparency, I don't have any plans to add it for the following reasons:
- The feature already exists, in a way. If you go to the "More" menu, there's a "fits through" section that shows how tall and wide the dino is in comparison to wall sizes. This gives you a good idea of the scale.
- There's no easy way to get this data of their actual scale.
- Some people are suggestion a silhouette, which would mean making new side-view images of all the dinos. Creating images for a dino takes me about an hour each. And there's nearly 200 dinos. It's a ton of work.
- Some dinos have multiple forms, such as the ferox.
- Comparing scale might be odd for some dinos that don't have a simple body shape. For example, the Overseer has floating elements around it, which would have to be included in its size. Flying dinos have their wings, some creatures would look smaller/larger depending on their neck position, etc. It makes it a bit more difficult to measure and plan.
- Most importantly: It doesn't provide too much value to players. I'm a one-person team so I'd rather put my time into features that can really help players in the game.
John Dixon
I like how Dan just merges you all together so you can hang, but clearly has no intention of adding this pointless feature
What would you use that for? No offense, but there’s no point
Dan Leveille
Merged in a post:
Better images
Some of the dinosaurs I have never seen before and it is hard to determine how big they actually are just based off the small icon image. I suggest adding an area for in game screenshots and it would also be cool if you could keep the original icon image but have a human standing next to it for scale. Something like that.
Dan Leveille
Merged in a post:
New feature
Atomic Mayhem
Can there be a size chart comparing animal to survivor ?
Dan Leveille
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Dino and human silhouettes to show in-game scale
Dan Leveille
Suggestion from Guppy-Putnam on Reddit:
"What about at the bottom, near the "Carryable By" Section, there was a small box with a sillouette of an Ark character and a silouette of the dino selected. In the game, especially when in first person, people can forget how big things are. Maybe this is better suited for the wiki then for your calculator, but I think it could be interesting."
Dan Leveille
Merged in a post:
Size comparison
Add size comparison for the dinosaurs
Dan Leveille
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Compare sizes
Dr. Acula
A size comparison would be very handy. In addition to the images of the animals, then simply a human as a standard. So that the difference in size is clear.