Dan Leveille
I hope to add this very soon. :)
Dan Leveille
Merged in a post:
Translate Recipes Details
Loris Salerno
How can I help you translate the recipes into Italian?
How can I help you translate recipes into Italian?
Dan Leveille
Hi Loris Salerno, at the moment, recipes are not yet translated. Unfortunately, it's technically difficult to allow translations for items. It's something I hope to do in the future.
Dan Leveille
Merged in a post:
Translation of dinosaur names
Dan Leveille
Merged in a post:
Dododex has a great number of Chinese users. Could you translate the item names and dino names into simplified Chinese
Just now
Dan Leveille
Merged in a post:
make the creature name as Chinese,Thx
Dan Leveille
Thanks for the feedback! Since this is already listed as an idea, I'm going to mark this one as closed. Thank you!
Feel free to add your support here: https://productpains.com/post/dododex/translated-items-and-creature-names
Dan Leveille
Hi YvanYang! Thanks for the feedback! I do plan on doing this eventually! I'm going to mark this as closed since it's a duplicate: https://productpains.com/post/dododex/translated-items-and-creature-names
Dan Leveille
Daladin I want to do this, but unfortunately it's extremely complicated. It requires a lot of restructuring of the whole app — almost every part of it, including the way translations are contributed. Item and creature names are loaded in the app dynamically, so it's not as easy as translating interface elements that never change. I do plan on doing it eventually, it's just a huge project.
A few questions:
- I've heard from one player that a lot of Germans use English item names. Not sure how common this is, or if depends on the language.
- Other than the languages with different alphabets, aren't most creature names the same? For example, "Triceratops" is the same in French and Spanish.
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