[UI] Divide the dinos by map and category
Dan Leveille
Completed in v2 of Dododex! Enjoy! 🎉
Dan Leveille
The EpicTMWarrior This is already live on the iOS Beta. You can try it out here: http://dododex.com/beta
Dan Leveille
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The EpicTMWarrior
I was was thinking cause I'm on aberration trying to find a argie or a pateradon and I don't even think they're on aberration. So I'm asking if you would add filters on what animals are on what maps
Dan Leveille
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Michael Marshall
Add scorched earth/survival evolved/etc filter to separate dinos, etc
Dan Leveille
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Separate or distinguish Scorched Earth creatures
When a creature is from a DLC like scorched earth, have something that says it is from scorched earth, or be able to only show creatures from original game or from certain DLC
Dan Leveille
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Dododex Organization
Kaitlyn Mason
Dododex should organize it so you can see Dinos based on maps (DLCs) so that you can look for dinos that are in the one you are playing.
Dan Leveille
in progress
Dan, let us know if we can help.
Dan Leveille
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Different Worlds
KBAN Blitz
So, you know how there are so many different Dinorsaurs? Yeah, you should make a setting to where you can see which world has which dinos. (as in Rex is on Ark, or something is on Ragnorok.) Instead of new people wondering where they find a cute little frog with a light on his head in the normal game. Just make something to where you can choose the DOC that you have, and it'll show all the information to that world. Thanks!
Dan Leveille
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Listed dinos per map
Wastelander Wanderer
I don't mean just the creatures added because of scorched earth, any dinosaur that can be be found in scorched earth
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