Anton Afonin
When timer of torpor is red there is no any sound. It`s about android version. I try it on bluestacks and phone.
Difficult to write. Not my language :)
Dan Leveille
Anton Afonin: This is a bug and will be fixed soon. :)
Anton Afonin
Dan Leveille: ok. Thanks :)
Anton Afonin
And one more thing to site... There is no food timer. I would very appristiate? if you could add this one.
Dan Leveille
Anton Afonin: Starve timer is a suggestion listed here: :)
Anton Afonin
I suggest to add to site number of berries and other narcos like android app. Also why don`t you make taming timers more compressed? You can add just two or three timers on visible screen.
P.S. Don`t know why but there is no sound on timer on set time...
Dan Leveille
Anton Afonin: Hey Anton. Berries and narcotics are listed on the web version of Dododex.
A "load more" button is going to be in the next version of the app, so that only a few foods show initially.
What do you mean there isn't any sound? Like the alarm isn't going off? Your phone isn't muted?